Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dallas D.A. Says Wilmer Public Citizen is Media

The Dallas District Attorney's office has determined that Wilmer Public Citizen is "News Media" in stark contrast to comments by certain local city council officials.

Wilmer Public Citizen sought to turn over certain election documents signed and sworn by Wilmer City Council candidates affirming their knowledge of Texas nepotism statutes to the Dallas District Attorney's office on Monday, January 26. Ben Stuhl, the prosecutor calling the recent grand jury to investigate nepotism charges, was contacted by telephone to discuss potential perjury or document falsification charges raised by the election documents. Mr. Stuhl declined to address our inquiry and referred us to the District Attorney's Public Information Officer, stating that all news media contacts were to be handled by that office.

Wilmer Public Citizen is pleased to accept press credentials from the District Attorney's office. Perhaps it is our turn to ask Eugene Lowe for a retraction - to see that news story, click here for details.

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