Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wilmer Bike Rodeo

This Article Contributed by John Eggen

On Saturday, May 22nd, the City of Wilmer successfully held its first Bike Safety Rodeo.

On Saturday, May 22nd, the City of Wilmer successfully held its first Bike Safety Rodeo. A bike rodeo is a bicycle skills event that provides an opportunity for kids to practice and develop skills to become better bicyclists and avoid typical crashes. Our goals were to actively engage kids in learning, practicing, and demonstrating their bicycle handling skills in a fun, noncompetitive atmosphere. Parks Board Chairman, John Eggen said “Timing is everything for the rodeo”. “With the kids getting out of school soon, there will be more bicycles on the streets. It is important they learn the “rules of the road” and practice good safety habits to prevent as many accidents as possible this summer.”

With volunteer assistance from Viola Pruitt, Sherry Lewis, Torrance Strong and Gail Spann (all members of Bike DFW and the League of American Bicyclists), seats were adjusted, brakes repaired, kickstands and handlebars tightened and helmets fitted. With a total of 49 participants in the rodeo, each was provided a bicycle safety helmet, courtesy of Commercial State Bank, our local sponsor, and the Wilmer Parks Board. Following the rodeo, the kids took a bike ride through Wilmer, with Councilman Bell leading the way to the Adams Street Ballpark where Councilman Leal took charge of the grill for the wiener roast. During the awards ceremony, Mayor Steele handed out award ribbons and Certificates of Participation to all of the rodeo riders. Other participants of the rodeo included Lexie McGrane, from the Texas Agrilife Extension Service with displays on good nutrition and developing proper eating habits and The Wilmer Academy was also present doing pre-enrollment for the next school year.

An extra special thank you goes to our local citizen volunteers. Your participation makes events like the rodeo a real community effort.

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