Thursday, April 30, 2009


At Mayor Jeff Steele's Town Hall Meeting on April 30, John Dodd of the Honors Academy Charter School District announced the fall opening of a new school in Wilmer for the fall 2009 academic year. Open enrollment is planned to begin as early as late May, hopefully before the end of the current school year.
Click Here to View the Honors Academy District Home Page in a New window.

Honors Academy is a Texas Charter School District, currently operating six schools in Dallas, Fort Worth, Irving, Kaufman, Killeen, and Palestine. The Wilmer charter school would be the "lucky seven" campus according to Mr. Dodd. Land and facilities have already been donated for the new school, although some remodeling and upgrades will be required before classes begin.

Initially, the school is planned to hold classes for children from kindergarten through eighth grade (K-8). Eventually, the school could serve students through high school.

Charter schools were authorized in 1995 by the Texas Legislature and are funded based on student enrollments similar to public schools. Unlike traditional public schools, there is no taxpayer supported capital improvement or operating funds. Charter school districts operate state-wide and typically coordinate their off-campus and administrative activities to coincide with the local public school districts.

Charter schools also are not limited by local school district academic policies as in the public schools. Within the charter school district, numerous elective options for students may include diverse special studies similar to the magnet-type schools. The charter schools are not a replacement for public schools, rather they comprise an additional education opportunity for students. Students attending charter schools must pass the TAKS assessment as in traditional public schools.

(ED NOTE: With the return of educational facilities to Wilmer, parents of our younger students may be relieved to eliminate the long bus rides to DISD schools.)

Other topics covered during the Town Hall meeting included announcing the Wilmer 2030 Comprehensive Master Plan first draft, status of the Hope Community Garden project, and the Little Street water main improvement project.

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