Friday, July 4, 2008

Citizen's Town Hall Meeting - A Great Idea!

A concerned citizen forwarded this letter suggesting that the people of Wilmer need an open, public forum to discuss issues and problems in the community and submit agenda items for the City Council to consider instead of the infrequent and limited public participation format of the City Council and Planning & Zoning meetings. Wilmer Public Citizen heartily concurs and supports the idea of New England style "Town Hall Meetings" for our community and pledges our support of this initiative. WPC believes it is time for the citizens to take back control of the community and demand "service" from our public officials - those we used to call "public servants".

Why Not Wilmer-Hutchins Rather Than Plano-Richardson-Garland?

That should be the question! And sooner than you think it may be Ferris and
Ennis. These two towns seem to have all of their cards in the deck that is
lying on top of the table.

The residents of Wilmer and the immediate Wilmer Community need to organize
an Open Town Hall Meeting Organization where concerns can be publicly aired.
It should be patterned after the New England Town Hall Meetings. A chairman
and a vice chairman with all attendees with equal voice. No titles at these
meetings. No Mayor so-in-so, no Council person so-in-so, no officer so-in-so
just Citizen Mr. or Ms. Name. The meeting place should be the Community
Center, not a business place or church. Concerns should be written on index
cards and given to the Chairman and a a copy to the Vice Chairman and or
secretary. The results of the these meetings should be forwarded to the Mayor and
Council Persons should they deem this kind of meeting below themselves.

Public Servants of this Community should attend as equals with the rest of
the Citizens--- if not to learn what's bothering their constituents, to at
least publicly defend their reputations. The Council Meetings seem to be
controlled and orchestrated. In a Town Hall Meeting concerns and rumors can be
pin-pointed and addressed or referred to the Council for comment. If the
Citizens' requests for information are not addressed the lack thereof could show up
in this forum (Wilmer Public Citizen) or in the Town Hall Minutes.

Secrecy, rumor, innuendo and deliberate or perceived deception can destroy a
community not bind it together. Truthful full factual information can create
a trusting community with real growth potential. Stop and think about it.
This Community needs an active Town Hall Meeting Organization. It should meet
at least on the fourth Tuesday of every month, if not the 2nd and 4th
Tuesday of every month or until we can look at each other without wondering if the
last rumor we heard was the truth or someone's mistaken belief. Oh, by the
way---even the McCoys and the Hatfields of the Hollers have made peace amongst
themselves. That's why Appalachia has become one of the Nation's top tourist
(ED NOTE: Tuesday is a great day if the standard schedule of P&Z Commission and City Council Meetings continues on Thursdays. Fourth Tuesday gives enough time to get items submitted for the first City Council Meeting the following month.)

Both Wilmer and Hutchins occupy some of the most beautiful land in the whole
of Dallas County. The ambiance of southeast Dallas County was and can still
be the best the County has to offer permanent residents. Did past personal
agenda, greed, envy, rumors, etc. cause growth to go north onto the barren
flat cotton fields of Garland, Plano, and Richardson?

(ED NOTE: WPC supports this idea - we'll be glad to act as clearighouse for this initiative - if you are interested and would liek to participate, please send email to )

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